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Friday, December 24, 2010

Sally Schedule

The kids have been giving us presents and cards all week. Some of the cards are more Christmas-themed than others, but the students' sentiments are in exactly the right place, regardless of the picture on the card. (My favorite was the "It's a Girl" card.)

This morning, I was given one card with a "Sally Schedule" theme. I did a quick Google search, and I found some stationary items with this particular drawing on them, so I guess it's a whole thing. The front of the card says

"Think of you have
rather than of what
you lack of the
things you have. Select
the best and then reflect
how eagerly you
would have sought
them if you
did not have them."

Inside the card, she pasted in a smaller Sally Schedule card. When I lift up the flap, she wrote, "You have us."

Yes. Yes I do have them. All of them. And I did seek them out eagerly when I applied for and was accepted at this job. And they don't need to give me anything, because I have them every day, all year long, and that is the best present anyone could ever ask for.

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