In honor of British Culture Day, we had a visiting contingent from Reading School in none other than Reading, England. The teachers were strong-armed into a meet-and-greet tea-and-biscuits-that-aren't-really-biscuits session. And, it's turning into fall around here, so I was chilly.
I got up to replenish my tea when I saw a glass bottle of something in the staff lounge. I was waiting for the tea to boil, so I picked it up and looked it over. It had a picture of a fruit on it. It looked like it might be a syrup of some kind. Or a wine. Or a liquor. And it was opened and about a third of it was gone. Just then, my Chinese principal walked into the room.
"What is this?" I asked her?
"Oh, it's a wine or a, um liquor. You should try it."
At 9am on a school day in the staff lounge. She said that to me. Seriously.
No, I did not quaff the bottle, although I did take the tiniest taste just for curiosity's sake. And it was pretty nasty in a sweetish, alcoholicish, assish kind of way.
I set the bottle down and went back to making tea. After I'd rinsed out my mug, of course.
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